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Unwanted animals 2009 - cats Print E-mail Share
Beyond neglected and stray dogs the most important thing is the rescue of stray cats. Unfortunately they can breed a lot more frequently than dogs and they can not be kept within fences to avoid the approach of the opposite sex. There is only one way to reduce the number of stray cats: NEUTERING.
This procedure can be done already at the age of six months and it can reduce the rate of several diseases, granting a longer life to your cat. You don’t wait until the first litter, because you just make situation worse, with rising the number of cats who are waiting for adoption.

You can learn more about the neutering of cats on the following links:

Many cats are on the street because of the owners are moving to a new house and they don’t bother finding a new place for the animals or asking for some help.

This is how two cats became abandoned in Füzesabony on Turul Street and another two on Mátyás király Street, however they were lucky enough to be favoured by the neighbours, who asked for help in finding new home for them.
People regularly throw out kittens at the hospital in Parádfürdõ as they cannot do anything with the volume of cats. This has happened to Eszti a female cat and her three almost grown-up kittens and two other grown-up cats. After neutering they have been taken back where they were found near the hospital as no foster homes were available for them. Unfortunately one of Eszti’s kitten has passed away, but the other two cats have found loving new homes.
 Triko was found with a broken leg and a piece of metal had been lodged in the roof of his mouth in Füzesabony. He was healed successfully and now he lives happily in Germany with the company of a dog in a nice family.
Manó, Pumó and their mother were rescued from Mezõtárkány from a lady who could not even look after herself. Her old and sick dog was rehomed with our help as well and he even had to learn English since then. :)
 Tulipán, Jácint, Rózsa and Gesztenye have been put out in the cemetery in Füzesabony as they were unwanted kittens. The workers who were cutting the grass almost cut into the five-week-old kittens… They happily live in France by now.


© 2007 Foundation of Animal Protection in Füzesabony